Individualized Workout Plans
Workout Warriors
Get fit and reach your goals easier than ever before!
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Individualized Workout Plans
Get fit and reach your goals easier than ever before!
No commitments, cancel anytime.
Are you tired of constantly
Trying the newest "best" glute exercise to still see no results?
Feeling like you're in the gym all the time but not seeing any changes?
Saving random workouts others post online hoping maybe those will finally work?
Googling random exercises hoping to find a tutorial?
Questioning if you aren't doing enough, or maybe even too much?
Go into your workouts with confidence knowing our methodology has been proven to work thousands of times!
Go into your workouts with confidence knowing our methodology has been proven to work thousands of times!
Get the best workouts of your life for
ONLY $19/mo!
No commitments, cancel any time.
Inside the App
We offer 78 program options based on your goals, training level, and equipment available.
We have programs that support:
At-home workouts
Glute building
Busy individuals (30 minute workouts)
Overall strength improvement
Glute Building
Form improvement
Overall strength improvement
Core strength
Form improvement
Getting toned and defined
Core strength
Keeping training enjoyable while seeing results
Feel empowered in your workouts and finally reach your full potential.
A look into the resources
Stop questioning your choices and wasting time and start reaching all your fitness and physique goals now, through one simple app.
All programs include:
New workouts every four weeks
Built in progress tracking so you know you’re making progress
Demo videos for all exercises
Speaking tutorials for over 400+ videos by CEO & Founder, Dala
Exact rep ranges, intensity levels, and rest rest times
What Users Are Saying
Q: What are the split options?
A: There are 46 options to choose from:
Full Gym Options:
3 Day: Gym (Beginner)
3 Day: Gym (Intermediate)
4 Day: Gym (Beginner)
4 Day: Gym (Intermediate)
4 Day: Gym - No Chest (Intermediate)
5 Day: Gym (Intermediate)
5 Day: Gym - No Chest (Intermediate)
5 Day: Glute Focused Gym (Intermediate)
5 Day: Glute Focused Gym - No Chest (Intermediate)
Mens: 3 Day: Gym (Intermediate)
Mens: 4 Day: Gym (Intermediate)
Mens: 5 Day: Gym (Intermediate)
At-Home: Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band Options:
4 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band (Intermediate)
4 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
5 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band (Intermediate)
5 Day: Glute Focused Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band (Intermediate)
5 Day: Glute Focused Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
5 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Cable/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
At-Home: Barbell/Dumbbell/Band Options:
4 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
4 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Band (Intermediate)
5 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Band (Intermediate)
5 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
Mens: 4 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell (Intermediate)
Mens: 5 Day: Barbell/Dumbbell (Intermediate)
At-Home: Dumbbell/Band Options:
3 Day: Dumbbell/Band (Beginner)
3 Day: Dumbbell/Band (Intermediate)
3 Day: Dumbbell/Band - 30 Minute (Intermediate)
4 Day: Dumbbell/Band (Beginner)
4 Day: Dumbbell/Band - 30 Minute (Intermediate)
4 Day: Dumbbell/Band (Intermediate)
4 Day: Dumbbell/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
5 Day: Dumbbell/Band (Intermediate)
5 Day: Dumbbell/Band - No Chest (Intermediate)
Pregnancy & Postpartum options available through the button above
Q: Why do all of the at-home workouts have bands?
A: By adding bands into your home workouts, you will be able to unlock hundreds of additional exercises that aid in variety, as well as promote more results due to the ability of bands allowing for vertical pull movements
Q: How often do the workouts change?
A: You will receive a new workout split every four weeks, allowing for enough time to achieve progressive overload.
Q: What if I can't do one of the exercises in my workouts?
A: No problem! The app has integrated, coach approved substitution options so you can easily navigate your own changes, if needed.
Q: Can I change the split I'm on if I need to?
A: Yes. We have a support email that you can message for a split change at anytime.
Q: Can I do these at home?
A: Yes, many of the splits were created based off of common at-home equipment. Additionally, we have a body weight only split that can be done anywhere.
Q: Are these safe for someone who is pregnant?
A: We have specific pregnancy splits that are programmed to progress in a way that is completely safe for pregnant women throughout their entire pregnancy. All created by a pregnant, Perinatal Certified Specialist.
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