No one wins when coaching looks like that

I don’t have all the answers nor am I perfect. But over the last few years, I’ve learned a lot in supporting over 1,000 of women on their journey to live healthier and more confident.

And unfortunately, I’ve met many who have suffered at the hands of coaches who were intolerant, dismissive and didn’t see the bigger picture of their client’s health.

If you’re a coach, tell me if this sounds familiar:
  • Guilting clients for going over macros
  • Responding to check-ins a week later
  • Adding a 6th cardio session to force progress
  • Plummeting macros clients already struggle to hit
  • Judging clients for drinking or indulging
  • Clipped responses or firing for non-compliance

I’m here to tell you that no one wins when coaching looks like that.

A client isn’t more likely to make a breakthrough, and a coach isn’t going to have a higher client success rate by acting like this.

A coach-client relationship should always be centered around respect and support. Period.

So if this is hitting too close to home, maybe it’s time you asked yourself: Am I...
  • Asking questions that will help clients introspect?
  • Setting both short and long term goals with clients?
  • Meeting clients where they are at?
  • Celebrating positive behaviors and mentalities?
  • Giving them compassion and acknowledgement?
  • Helping clients find ways to stay accountable?
  • Leading clients through their respective roadblocks?

There’s SO much more to gain from a coaching relationship that looks like that. ⬆

If there’s anything I hope you take away from here, it’s this.

Coaches - Support will always get you more success than judgment and aggression.

Clients - You don’t have to settle for mistreatment. You are CHOOSING to be coached and PAYING for services. Do not pay for abuse.

Getting healthy should always be a fulfilling adventure. You will only grow and learn more about yourself if you are supported in the right ways 🌱


P.s If you’re looking for a team of humans that truly supports other people and makes them feel INCREDIBLE about themselves, the DLD nation is here for you! Apply for coaching and let’s make progress the RIGHT WAY together.💛