My #1 reason I’m at my happiest and healthiest

This is a mushy gushy husband shoutout, so get ready. 🥺⁣

I didn’t think it was possible that anyone could ever love me this much⁣.

I just didn’t believe another human would ever care about ME as much as they cared about themselves.

My past boyfriends only seemed to support me when it was convenient for them, but if it came to true sacrifices or compromises, I was “being dramatic and needy.”⁣

Then Sean Yoon McDevitt (@fitnessshaman) came into my life, and I knew he would always be there for me.💕  ⁣

I got some upsetting news that my hormones aren’t functioning optimally, and that is causing the hair loss, fatigue, insomnia, and tiredness I’ve been experiencing.

✅ Sean supported me without question in hiring not one, but two coaches for help⁣.
✅ Sean supported me spending as much as needed on further testing.
✅ Sean supported me spending as much as needed on supplements⁣.
✅ Sean has been taking me for morning walks, completely changing his morning routine without question to be there to hold my hand⁣.
✅ Sean told me I’m the toughest person he knows, and I’ll get through it⁣.
✅ Sean has freakishly good hearing anytime I even start to tear up, and comes storming around the corner with a hug.
✅ Sean has stepped up to take tasks off of my plate, being the greatest business partner and even better husband.
✅ And, Sean decided he’s now completely in support of us getting a dog “if it makes me happy and adds to my life.” 🥺 🐶

It’s just that feeling that there is⁣ nothing in this world he wouldn’t do for me. Absolutely nothing.

That feeling is the greatest gift I’ve ever received, and I cherish it everyday.🙏

I know that I will always be by his side as well, striving to show him even a fraction of the love he shows me in return.💜
